A Shared Commitment To Quality And Compliance
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“A Shared Commitment to Quality and Compliance”


5 Day Turnaround Time with a Ever Expanding Testing Catalog

Standing out in the ocean that is contract Analytical Testing is a difficult feat. RST Analytical, Inc. Located in Bohemia, New York our main ideology is to stand out from the rest. We strive to issue reports within a given 5 day turn around time during a routine work day. We also provide quicker testing options of 1, 2 or 3 day rush. We understand that any delays in testing or issuing a report can hamper our clientele’s shipping goals.

We test a large range of ingredients from vitamins to supplements to botanics. We make our pricing affordable to our Customers. We are also always updating our testing library to the demands of our customer’s. We are open to testing new ingredients so please feel free to contact us to check if we could test your ingredient or product.




1580 Lakeland Avenue, Suite B, Bohemia, NY, 11716



(631)-750-9351 (Office Number)

~Office Hours:

9am to 5pm

Monday - Friday


Instruments at our Facility


We currently have 2 Waters HPLC (High Pressure Liquid Chromatography) and 1 Waters UPLC (Ultra Pressure Liquid Chromatography).

Our most prized machine. Highly known in the industry for its high accuracy rate. You can run any ingredient with these machines, provided a method is developed. Used for Potency and Identification Purpose.

ICP- Mass Spectrometry

ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma) Mass Spectrometer

NexION 350X

This bad boy is used to determine the potency and identity of Minerals and Heavy Metals present in products.

How the machine analyses

Samples are prepared and introduced into an argon plasma. The plasma dries the prepared solution, dissociates the molecules, and then removes an electron from the components, thereby forming singly-charged ions, which are directed into a mass filtering device known as the mass spectrometer.

Upon exiting the mass spectrometer, ions strike a detector. The impact of the ions releases a cascade of electrons, which are amplified until they become a measurable pulse. The software compares the intensities of the measured pulses to those from standards, which make up the calibration curve, to determine the concentration of the element.

UV/Vis Spectrometer

Perkin Elmer Lambda 35.

Machine utilizes Ultraviolet light to calculate the absorbance of the ingredient being analyzed at a specific wavelength of light.

Used for Potency and Identification Purpose. Normally results in quicker results. Some materials work better than others.

(Ex. A commonly tested ingredient is Polyphenols by the Folin-C method)


Gas Chromatograph Clarus 580

We utilize the GC to potentiate and or identify mainly fat containing products such as omega fatty acids (3,6,9), botanics such as saw palmetto, just to name a few. We also test MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane) frequently.

How the machine analyses

Sample is prepared and injected into the machine. The components of mixture are heated and vaporized. We add the eluant or “Gas” to carry the remnants of mixture through the column (metal tubing). As the mixture moves through the column it is absorbed and separated out into its components. Each component moves out of the column, through a detector which detects and prints a graph potentiating or identifying the ingredient being analyzed.


FT-IR/NIR Spectrometer

Perkin Elmer Frontier

Similar to UV mechanism of action, it too uses light waves to by passing light through the sample, inducing a sample-dependent absorption process. That is then detected by the computer and reported into a graph.

Used for Identification purposes only. Can be used to determine the identity of any ingredient provided a standard can be obtained.

We normally use it to test the identity of Botanical specimens. It is species and part used specific. Important to know the scientific name of the botanic you purchase and or used in your product and the part of the plant used (whether roots, seed, fruit, etc….)

Other: Disintegration Machine, Friability Machine, Weight Balance

Disintegration: Used to determine the ability of tablets/capsules to disperse in a medium

Friability: Measures the durability of tablets only.

Weight balance: We use this to measure average weights or weight variation of products.


Analytical chemistry is the science of obtaining, processing, and communicating information about the composition and structure of matter.
— what RST lives for


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